Linked File allocation #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct fileTable { char name[20]; int nob; struct block *sb; }ft[30]; struct block { int bno; struct block *next; }; void main() { int i, j, n; char s[20]; struct block *temp; printf("Enter no of files :"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("\nEnter file name %d :",i+1); scanf("%s",ft[i].name); printf("Enter no of blocks in file %d :",i+1); scanf("%d",&ft[i].nob); ft[i].sb=(struct block*)malloc(sizeof(struct block)); temp = ft[i].sb; printf("Enter the blocks of the file :"); scanf("%d",&temp->bno); temp->next=NULL; for(j=1;j<ft[i].nob;j++) { temp->next = (struct block*)malloc(sizeof(struct block)); temp = temp->next; scanf("%d",&temp->bno); } temp->next = NULL; } printf("\nEnter the file name to be searched --...
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