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Kudos to all the JNTU students....

Welcome to, a site where you can find all your lab programs for all the engineering students.This site is mainly created to ensure perfect lab material for all the JNTU students.

Ok people,Here's something about me

My name is Bondugula Dheeraj kumar.I am the mind behind JNTUlabs.I am an information technology student currently pursuing my bachelors degree in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,Karimnagar.I came to know about blogging through my brother.Whenever i am off with the computer,i read a lot and ride a lot to new places and often visit same hotels with my friends.Apart from these,i go to college also.

Basically i am a reader and a movie freak.I used to talk a lot about technology and movies with my friends,the way they are made and i would give my opinion thinking as if I were the hero or the scientist.Gradually I thought about sharing the same opinions on a large platform and i found it via blogging.
Hope you enjoy my writings.


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