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First HTML Page-week 2

        1.    Write an HTML page including any required JavaScript that takes a number from one text field in the range of 0 to 999 and shows it in another text field in words. If the number is out of range, it should show "out of range" and if it is not a number, it should show "not a number" message in the result box.

        <title>WT Lab Experiment-2</title>
Input Box : <input type="text" name="t1" id="t1"> <input type="button" onclick=test() value="Submit"><br>
Result Box : <input type="text" name="t2" id="t2"><br>
        function test()
        var x;
        x = document.getElementById("t1").value;
        if (x<0)
        document.getElementById("t2").value="Out of Range";
        else if(x>999)
        document.getElementById("t2").value="Out of Range";
        else if(isNaN(x))
        document.getElementById("t2").value="Not a Number";
        else {
        var r,s=0,t="";
        while(x>0)   {
        r = x%10;
        s = s*10+r;
        x = parseInt(x/10);
        } x = s;
        while (x>0) {
        r = x%10;
        if (r==0)
        t = t+"Zero "; 
        if (r==1)
        t = t+"One "; 
        if (r==2)
        t = t+"Two "; 
        if (r==3)
        t = t+"Three "; 
        if (r==4)
        t = t+"Four "; 
        if (r==5)
        t = t+"Five "; 
        if (r==6)
        t = t+"Six "; 
        if (r==7)
        t = t+"Seven "; 
        if (r==8)
        t = t+"Eight "; 
        if (r==9)
        t = t+"Nine "; 
        x = parseInt(x/10);
        document.getElementById("t2").value = t;  



First HTML Page-week 2


First HTML Page-week 2


First HTML Page-week 2


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